Left: Sheetal Rawal, scientist (human genetics) & founder of Apsara Skin Care
By: Marty S.
Eating healthy, all natural food can lead to glowing, youthful skin, but you might be doing it wrong. For example, how or when you’re eating food can definitely have an impact on how your body reacts to this food. Yes, eating stuff like blackberries and spinach is very nutritious and is overall very beneficial to your health, but it may take a long time to get flawless skin.
However, in Ayurveda, there is a diet that has been used for thousands of years to get glowing, flawless skin. This Ayurvedic diet has been optimized to work with our bodies and foods that we have available. The Ayurvedic diet helps keep your body functioning well and free of impurities, both of which contribute to the health of your skin. This is a diet that Sheetal herself follows to get the skin that she has, and all this diet requires is 7 helpful tips that you can read below.
Before we begin, we would like to stress that you should talk to an Ayurvedic practitioner in your area before you make any major changes to your diet or lifestyle. Ayurvedic practitioners are the experts in their field, and they can give you more personalized advice based on what you are looking for. The list below is merely simple changes that anyone can incorporate into their lifestyle if they’re looking for flawless, youthful skin.
1. Drink a Glass of Warm Water After You Wake Up
It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, but many people do not begin their day hydrated. When you go to sleep, your body loses some water due to sweat and other
internal processes. As a result, when you wake up, your body is slightly dehydrated. In order to keep your body functioning well, you should drink a glass of warm water within minutes of waking up. Preferably, you should squeeze a little bit of lemon juice into your water as well as soak it in a copper vessel overnight before you drink it. The lemon has a slight detox effect, and the trace amounts of copper from a copper vessel can provide major benefits to your health. Specifically, in Ayurveda, copper is known to promote healthy hair and skin.
2. Eat According to Your Body Type (Dosha)
In Ayurveda, there are 3 body types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each body type has a specific diet that, when followed, can lead to good health as well as more stability in your mental and emotional well-being.
Those with a Vata dosha have smaller builds and dry skin. The best food for this body type is food that is warm, spicy, and sweet, for example, warm soup, cooked vegetables, and warm soy milk. Avoid food that is cold or uncooked.
Those with a Pitta dosha have medium builds and fair skin. The best food for this body type is food that is cooling, sweet, and bitter, for example, cucumbers and mangoes. Avoid food that is hot, spicy, or sour.
Those with a Kapha dosha have larger builds and oily skin. The best food for this body type is food that is warm, light, and dry, for example, beans and vegetables. Avoid food that is sweet and fatty.
Of course, while these are very basic guidelines, knowing what your body type can better help you plan a successful diet. If you are interested in knowing your body type, it is important to seek out an Ayurvedic practitioner.
"My face has cleared up so much. I see very [few] breakouts."
3. Eat Per Season
Beyond eating according to your body type, though, you should be eating by season. During the spring, you should be eating more vegetables as well as warm, light meals. During the summer, you should be eating sweet, cool foods and avoiding food that is hot, spicy, or dry. During autumn, you should be eating sweet, bitter, and salty foods. During the winter, you should be eating warm, cooked, and hot foods with healthy fats and avoiding cold foods. Adjusting your diet according to the season can encourage you to eat more organic, local food as well as food that is healthier. You’ll also be generally avoiding frozen foods and food with additives and preservatives.
4. How Much & When to Eat?
Now that we know what foods we should be eating and when we should be eating them, it’s important to highlight eating habits that will lead to better health. First, in order to prevent overeating, you should stop eating when you’re about 80% full. Your body does not send an immediate response to your brain telling you that you are full. Therefore, even if you don’t feel full yet, give it time and you will feel it. Second, dinner should typically be eaten before sundown. Eating right before bedtime can make it harder for you to fall asleep and it can severely impact your digestion. Being consistent with healthy eating habits can help improve your quality of life.
If you want even more tips to get healthy & glowing skin, watch this video! Enjoy and please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
5. Do a Body Cleanse At Least Once a Year
In Ayurveda, it is important to go on a cleanse 1 to 2 times a year, each cleanse lasting 2 or 3 days. Cleansing removes the toxic buildup in your body, and it can be very rejuvenating spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. For those who want to go on a cleanse, your two main forms of sustenance are water and kitchari, an Ayurvedic dish that can help restore your gut back to a normal, healthy state. Fresh fruit juice is another option for you, but we would encourage you to only consume water and kitchari in order to get the most out of your cleanse. If you need a suggestion on how to make kitchari, click here.
6. Consume Triphala
Triphala is a powder that consists of three different fruits, amla (Indian gooseberry), Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. These fruits have qualities that are impressive by themselves, for instance, amla is rich in Vitamin C, Bibhitaki has detoxifying properties, and Haritaki has anti-inflammatory properties. However, when combined, Triphala becomes an excellent herb to use for your digestion. Having good gut health can reflect in skin health, so if you want flawless skin, you should ensure that your gut is working properly.
7. Drink Tulsi Tea
You should avoid excessively consuming coffee and tea; too much caffeine can overstimulate your adrenal glands and lead to more stress overall. In general, coffee and tea should be consumed in moderation, since it is better to stay hydrated with water to keep your body running smoothly. However, if you have to drink either of these substances, the best one to drink is Tulsi tea. Tulsi tea is well revered in Ayurveda for its cleansing properties both internally and externally. It is believed to promote healthy skin.
If you want to know how to start a personalized skin care regimen, click here and Sheetal will reply back soon.
Go natural. It is good karma!