Left: Sheetal Rawal, scientist (human genetics) & founder of Apsara Skin Care
By: Marty S.
Home remedies by Sheetal Rawal
“Is that a crease on your forehead or are you just happy to see me?” While it may be fun to joke around with your much older friends about their wrinkles, hearing it yourself can be demoralizing. We’re all gonna get wrinkles at some point in the future, but why does it have to be now?
Luckily, coconut oil will your best friend when it comes to fighting wrinkles. This oil is loaded with nutrients and properties that can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Coconut oil is an anti-aging powerhouse that should be in your daily skin care routine, whether you have wrinkles or not. Anti-wrinkle creams are a dime a dozen these days, but coconut oil is a natural ingredient that will not put any harsh chemicals into your body.
Here, we have devised a list of coconut oil remedies that you should use at home to keep your skin looking as ageless as you feel.
1. Coconut Oil to Neutralize Wrinkles with Antioxidants
One of the biggest causes of wrinkles is free radicals. When free radicals enter the body, they damage the collagen and elastin in our skin, and these two compounds are
responsible for keeping our skin soft and supple. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid free radicals; they can come in the form of pollution, UV rays, harsh chemicals, et cetera. However, you can curb them by introducing antioxidants into your skin care because antioxidants help eliminate them from your body, both internally and externally. Coconut oil is a rich source of antioxidants. By using coconut oil, you’ll be bolstering your body’s defense against not just wrinkles, but also some forms of cancer.
½ tsp. of coconut oil
1 tsp. of aloe vera gel
1 tbsp. of mashed up boiled sweet potato
Mix ingredients together and massage it onto face for 3 minutes.
Leave it on for 12 minutes. Wash it off with warm water.
Follow with your toner, serum, and lotion.
Use once a week.
2. Coconut Oil to Boost Your Collagen
The antioxidants in coconut oil help eliminate free radicals, but coconut oil can also be used to improve collagen production. The fatty acids in coconut oil replenish collagen and improve the cell turnover rate. When your body produces more collagen, our skin becomes stronger and more elastic, so fewer wrinkles are likely to form as a result.
½ tsp. of coconut oil
1 tbsp. of rice flour
10 drops of ACV (apple cider vinegar)
Mix ingredients together and massage it onto face for 3 minutes.
Leave it on for 12 minutes. Wash it off with warm water.
Follow with a daily skin care routine based on your skin type. Click here to find out what your skin type is.
Use once a week.
3. Coconut Oil for Soft, Smooth Skin
Speaking of fatty acids, these compounds are needed to fight wrinkles because they help nourish the skin. Sometimes, depending on your skin type, your skin may lack the moisture and nutrients it needs to stay healthy, especially when you do not moisturize regularly and follow a daily skin care routine. Common problems associated with this include redness, inflammation, and a higher likelihood of developing wrinkles. Luckily, coconut oil is a good source of fatty acids, including lauric acid. Using coconut oil can lock in your skin’s moisture, which will leave it feeling smooth.
“...I have used Apsara Skin Care products for 2 years now, and I would highly recommend it. I feel like my skin is a lot brighter & softer than it was before…”
½ tsp. of coconut oil
1 tsp. of sesame oil
10 drops of castor oil
Mix ingredients together and massage it onto face for 3 minutes.
Leave it on for 12 minutes. Wash it off with warm water.
Follow with your toner, serum, and lotion.
Use once a week.
4. Almond Oil to Enrich Your Skin with Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a very potent antioxidant. In addition to neutralizing free radicals that may cause wrinkles, Vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory agent that nourishes the skin and keeps it healthy. While coconut oil may not have Vitamin E in it, almond oil has a high level of this nutrient. By combining the two ingredients, you can diminish the signs of aging and retain healthy skin.
1 tsp. of almond oil
15 drops of coconut oil
8 drops of vegetable glycerin
Emulsify ingredients in a bowl until the mixture is the color of cream.
Massage it onto your face for 3 minutes. Leave it on for 12 minutes.
Wash off with warm water. Follow with your daily skin care routine.
Use once a week.
5. Peanut Butter for a Tasty Remedy to Fade Wrinkles
For those who are allergic to almond oil, peanut butter is a great nutty alternative. Like almond oil, peanut butter contains Vitamin E and fatty acids needed to improve skin
elasticity. In fact, between the two, peanut butter is the tastier option so don’t be ashamed if you start licking it off as it works its magic on your face.