DIY Tomato Remedy for Blackheads & Acne

By Sheetal Rawal

Blackheads are formed when hair follicles within the skin become clogged and produce excess oil, which results in a bump-like formation. Further, air exposure can cause the bump to turn black over time. Reducing blackheads and acne is of utmost importance in order to clear the skin and produce a glow. Washing and cleansing the face regularly can result in acne and blackhead-free skin.


In this episode of the podcast, Sheetal will share with you a home remedy that helps diminish blackhead eruptions. This remedy contains only three ingredients – rice flour, baking soda and the most essential ingredient: tomato. As this remedy contains very few ingredients that are both accessible and well-performing, it is an ideal method of reducing blackheads on the face. Along with the remedy, Apsara’s Natural Acne Care Routine greatly aids in depleting breakouts and acne, while keeping the skin in control. Like all of Apsara’s launches, the acne care routine contains high quality products. Some of Apsara’s products have even undergone new labeling, while specific lotions were relooked at and developed for them to become more lightweight. These changes, along with the transformation of our website, portray Apsara’s motto of constant change leading to evolution.


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Related: Learn an easy castor oil DIY to fade acne & minimize blackheads

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