Above: Sheetal Rawal, scientist (human genetics) & founder of Apsara Skin Care
We all want our hair to be stunning and gorgeous, so when you have dandruff, you know how frustrating it is to see it. Though you can brush off those white flakes easily or wear a hat to hide your dandruff, it is not a problem that will go away instantly. There are many lifestyle habits that could be causing your dandruff to appear. Today, we will share with you 2 of them so you can start getting rid of your dandruff right away.
In this episode of the podcast, you will learn 2 common causes of dandruff. You will also learn how to make a DIY hair oil to get gorgeous, problem-free hair at home; using either this home remedy or Apsara’s Rosemary & Amla Hair Oil regularly can help you get rid of dandruff. However, this information is still important to know if you want to avoid dandruff in the future. To get this home remedy and more, please listen to this episode.
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Related: Apsara Skin Care’s Rosemary & Amla Hair Oil can diminish your dandruff in a matter of time.
Go natural. It is good karma!