5 Superfoods to Reverse & Regrow Thinning Hair

By: Deeya J. 

Edited by Marty S.

Thinning hair is a natural occurrence for a lot of people as they age. According to some studies, we shed about 50 to 100 hairs a day. However, when thinning hair occurs prematurely, it may be a huge source of stress and anxiety. Seeing handfuls of hair fall out every day after combing or washing your hair is never a good sign. Furthermore, if you’re constantly worried about your thinning hair, all of that stress might make this problem even worse.

Fortunately, there are always simple, natural ways to reverse thinning hair and make sure that your hair and scalp are healthy. In addition to using an all-natural hair care routine, you can also include certain natural foods in your diet that your hair is guaranteed to love. The 5 foods found below can help you regrow your hair and improve hair health easily. If you are suffering from thinning hair and hair loss, try to increase your consumption of these foods and you might see a noticeable difference in the quality of your hair.

1. Almonds to Boost Thick, Healthy Hair Growth

The health benefits of almonds seem to be never-ending. After all, it isn’t called a superfood for nothing! Almonds are excellent for hair growth because they possess many nutrients. Almonds are well-known for their high levels of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that is capable of eliminating oxidative stress and free radical damage. Too much oxidative stress disrupts your cells and can result in thinning hair, hair loss, and premature graying. Plus, almonds are high in magnesium; this mineral reduces inflammation in the scalp, which can help reduce dandruff and make the hair and scalp healthier overall.

Almonds are both beneficial yet very simple. If you want to enrich your hair with this superfood right away, all you need to do is purchase a bag of natural almonds from your local supermarket and start eating. However, you may also apply almond oil on your hair. Almond oil can deeply penetrate the hair shaft and nourish your hair from root to tip. If you apply almond oil consistently, your hair will become stronger, thicker, and healthier and thinning hair will be more diminished.

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2. Millets to Revitalize Your Hair Follicles with Protein

Millet is a type of grain that is especially high in protein and magnesium, two compounds that are known to improve the health of the hair. Because hair is made of protein, eating an adequate amount of protein is very beneficial to hair health and growth. A lack of protein can lead to weakened, brittle hair and therefore hair loss, so proper consumption of protein can help you regrow healthier hair. Meanwhile, magnesium has been linked to the fast and healthy growth of hair and nails. You might not be familiar with millet, but you’ll be able to find it in your local supermarket. Millet is also quite easy to cook with; it is an excellent substitute for quinoa if you’re looking for more variety in your meals.  

3. Flaxseed Oil to Nourish Your Scalp & Hair Roots

Flaxseed oil is one of the most nutrient-dense oils out there, packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fibers, and antioxidants. Omega-3 fatty acids promote strong, healthy hair growth from the root, while antioxidants prevent damage at the cellular level and keep your roots strong and healthy. Healthy roots are the first step towards healthy hair overall, and incorporating something like flaxseed into your diet is a great way to regrow thinning hair and make your roots stronger.

The simplest way to add flaxseed into your diet is to add cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil to your cooking or baking. It is virtually tasteless yet very beneficial, so get creative! Plus, you can also use flaxseed oil externally to nourish your hair follicles and scalp. This is a surefire way of ensuring that your hair will absorb all of the compounds flaxseed oil has to offer.


4. Lentils to Reverse Hair Thinning & Hair Loss

Lentils are a comforting dish for many, but did you know that they are also a superfood for your hair? Most types of lentils contain an ample amount of iron and folic acid, two

vitamins that are important for healthy hair growth. Both increase the supply of oxygen to the brain, thus improving blood circulation. Good blood circulation promotes stronger hair and faster cell renewal. Lentils are also rich in protein, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Lentils are delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet; you don’t have to limit lentils to only soups and salads. In fact, if you want ideas for lentil-inspired dishes to reverse and regrow thinning hair and hair fall, click here.

5. Dark Chocolate to Regrow Soft, Shiny Hair

Although chocolate is often associated with sweets, dessert, and other decadent foods, dark chocolate shouldn’t be completely lumped into those categories. In moderation, dark chocolate can be quite good for you because it is abundant in nutrients and antioxidants that benefit your hair. For example. low levels of zinc can lead to dry scalp and hair loss. Since dark chocolate is packed with zinc, you may begin to see a healthier scalp and less hair loss if you eat more of this food. Antioxidants, on the other hand, can bolster your hair against oxidative stress, another common cause of hair loss. Because dark chocolate can help you regrow healthy hair and reverse thinning hair, you don’t need an excuse to indulge in some rich dark chocolate!

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