3 Coconut Oil Remedies to Reverse Thinning Hair

By: Marty S.

Home remedies by Sheetal Rawal

As we get older, it is still normal to fuss over our hair. Most of us want our hair to be thick, lustrous, and camera-ready for as long as possible, and you should not feel ashamed for taking careful care of your hair. However, you may start freaking out if you suspect that you have thinning hair. Finding weak, thin, and brittle strands of hair is never a good sign, and what’s worse is thinking that small clumps of hair could start falling off your precious head at any moment.

You may have heard that thinning hair can lead to hair loss, but there’s no reason to panic. After all, stressing out over the quality of your hair may create an even bigger problem. Instead, to reverse thinning hair and hair fall, you should learn how to properly nourish and maintain your hair. One way to do that is by using coconut oil on your hair. Coconut oil is a fantastic, hair-friendly natural ingredient that can encourage thick, lustrous, and healthy tresses. Keep reading to discover 3 coconut oil home remedies that you must use to stop thinning hair and hair fall.

1. Coconut Oil DIY Hair Mask to Revitalize & Thicken Your Hair

When your hair is thinning, your hair strands are typically dry, weak, and brittle. This is likely a sign that your hair is malnourished, and it isn’t receiving enough nutrients from your body. Also, your hair may not be able to retain enough moisture to stay soft and healthy. This is where coconut oil comes in. Coconut oil is a good source of fatty acids like medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) and lauric acid. These fatty acids can deeply penetrate your hair shafts and revitalize your hair. Healthy hair shafts are less prone to breakage and moisture loss, which may lead to less thinning hair and better hair growth.
Coconut oil can’t inherently moisturize your hair strands but combining it with a natural ingredient that has moisturizing properties (for instance, aloe vera) can help your hair look soft, thicker, and healthier in no time.

8 drops of Vitamin E oil
½ tsp. of aloe gel
1 tbsp. of coconut oil

Mix the ingredients together.
Massage the remedy into your scalp and hair for 10 to 12 minutes.
Leave it on for 2 to 3 hours or overnight.
Wash it off with warm water. Follow with your shampoo and conditioner.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.


Using a hair oil regularly can also reverse thinning hair and hair fall. At Apsara Skin Care, our Rosemary & Amla Hair Oil is fantastic for anyone who wants thick, shiny, and luxurious hair.

"I was having lots of issues with my hair. Lots of itchiness, lots of dandruff...I heard about Apsara...I ordered oil and shampoo. I feel the difference now. [All of my] itchiness is gone. Hair fall is almost gone...I still do have some dandruff, but I feel it is improving a lot. I definitely recommend all the hair products."

2. Coconut Oil DIY Hair Mask to Nourish Your Scalp & Promote Hair Growth

Aside from its fatty acid content, there are other ways that coconut oil can minimize hair thinning and hair fall. For example, coconut oil has antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, coconut oil can reverse the damage done by free radicals, which may be responsible for your thinning hair, hair fall, and dry hair.

Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties. Your hair receives nutrients from your body through your hair follicles, which are located on the scalp. If you have a scalp infection, the quality of your hair will be directly impacted, and you may start to see thinning hair, hair loss, and slower hair growth. By using coconut oil on both your hair and scalp, however, you can keep your hair follicles healthy and promote thicker, softer hair. Better yet, when you use coconut oil, make sure to massage it into your scalp. This action can promote blood circulation, which is believed to boost hair growth.

⅛ tsp. of castor oil
1 tbsp. of coconut oil
1 tbsp. of sunflower oil

Mix the ingredients together.
Massage the remedy into your scalp and hair for 10 to 12 minutes. Leave it on for 2 to 3 hours or overnight.
Wash it off with warm water. Follow with your shampoo and conditioner.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.

3. Coconut Oil & Fenugreek DIY Hair Mask to Strengthen Your Hair & Stop Split Ends

Coconut oil has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to minimize hair issues like thinning hair and hair fall, but it is not the only time-tested natural ingredient you can use. Another Ayurvedic staple in hair care is fenugreek. Many people have used fenugreek for its ability to naturally condition your hair. That’s because fenugreek is rich in compounds such as lecithin, nicotinic acid, and protein, all of which assist with hair growth. Protein, in particular, is significant because it can support keratin, which is a structural protein. Keratin strengthens your hair and reduces the likelihood of hair breakage and split ends.

1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds [methi]
1 tbsp. of coconut oil
1 tbsp. of almond oil

Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind them into a smooth paste.
Mix the coconut oil and almond oil into a paste. 
Massage the remedy into your scalp and hair for 10 to 12 minutes. Leave it on for 2 to 3 hours or overnight.
Wash it off with warm water. Follow with your shampoo and conditioner.
Use 1 to 2 times a week.

Here is a homemade hair mask that you must try if you want thick, long hair. It contains 4 easy natural ingredients. Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

For more hair care advice and product recommendations, fill out this form to get a reply from us soon.

Go natural. It is good karma!




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