By: Vidushi R. & Sheetal R.
Are you sick and tired of your hair falling everywhere? It is so stressful to see clumps of hair in your hands when you are washing it.
Don’t stress. Nature has effective solutions for abnormal hair fall. Your hair fall issue might be your follicles crying for help. They could be so undernourished and challenged that they are simply not able to hold on to hair. In Ayurveda, anything with a hot nature (pitta) can result in hair fall and early greying of hair. And guess what? Ayurveda classifies harsh chemical detergents like SLS as high in pitta. Same with hot water, that many of us are guilty of washing our hair under.
Treat your hair and scalp well with these natural ingredients to stop excess hair fall.
Here is the list of top 10 ingredients that can come to the rescue if your hair fall is excessive.
1. Coconut Oil: Many commercial products mention coconut oil as one of their major ingredients but their additional harsh chemicals may cause even more dryness and damage to your hair. Sadly, these added harsh chemicals can render the coconut oil ineffective. Adding coconut oil to your hair care routine will definitely help bring back those luscious locks. It has great antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can fight infections and bring back the lost shine and volume of your hair. This cheap and effective oil also has lauric acid as one of its many components that penetrate the shaft of your hair and nourish the scalp. Massaging an oil into your scalp 3-4 times per week for 10 minutes improves blood circulation and supports hair growth. However, if your scalp and hair are very dry, there are better options than coconut oil. Sunflower and almond oil are very good.
2. Fenugreek: You don’t always need to fall for the latest wonder in hair care technology! Many of these fads are just that, fads: in one day and out the other. Relying on time-tested ingredients is the wiser choice for obvious reasons. Fenugreek—a culinary wonder that is an inexpensive plant with many medicinal properties. It happens to contain proteins, nicotinic acid, iron, Vitamin C, potassium, lecithin; all of them seemingly work together to promote hair growth. These are extremely helpful in strengthening hair and reducing follicular problems. Its seeds have been used since time immemorial against hair fall. They have been known to repair hair structure and loss in hair strength. Fenugreek is also very known for its natural hair conditioning properties.
Home Remedy:
Soak 5 tsp. of fenugreek seeds in warm water overnight. Blend into a thick paste then add 1 tsp. of castor oil to it. Spread evenly on your scalp, and wear a shower cap to prevent the paste from falling off. Then wash your hair as usual. Before shampooing, use enough water to wash the paste off first.
You will enjoy this short video in which Sheetal teaches you a simple recipe to make your own non-toxic dry shampoo. This liquid spray is perfect for those days when your hair is a bit sticky but you have no time or desire to shampoo it. Enjoy!
3. Aloe Vera: This magical plant is a very well-known herbal medicine since ancient times. In Sanskrit, it is called kumari and has been used for centuries in skin and hair
care. It is not only a good moisturizer for skin but can also be used to cleanse and nourish the hair. Rich in many minerals and vitamins, it fights various hair problems like itchy scalp, dandruff, dry hair, and infections. Due to its slimy nature, it mixes up well with dirt and debris thus cleaning your scalp while nourishing it to promote hair growth. Aloe vera has great conditioning properties and can be used with almond oil to have strong and shiny hair after a wash.
Home Remedy:
To 1 tsp. of aloe vera gel, add 4 drops of almond oil. Mix very well until the two come into solution. Then with the tips of your fingers, apply all over your wet hair and gently massage some into your scalp ( right after washing your hair). Let your hair dry naturally to avoid damage from the hot air of a dryer. This is an awesome and totally natural hair serum that protects the hair and scalp.
"I have been using her products like [the] Rosehip & Citrus Nightly Facial Serum & Rosemary & Amla Hair Oil, [Rosemary & Amla] Shampoo, and [Rosemary & Amla] Conditioner. I really love using them."
4. Amla: Indian Gooseberry or amla works wonders for hair and skin related problems. Both topical application and oral intake of amla can help with hair fall. This
Ayurvedic mainstay has passed the tests of time and has emerged as an undeniable top star of hair and scalp health. This tangy antioxidant is known to have many tannins and Vitamin C; it also comprised of Kaempferol, gallic acid, and flavonoids that help improve hair texture. Applying amla oil to your scalp nourishes it and thus helps with issues like dryness and flakiness. Apart from hair loss, this magical fruit also reduces dandruff, strengthens the roots, and prevents premature greying of hair. Regular usage of amla on your hair has been seen to deepen the color of the hair and improve its shine and bounce. It is best to use a ready-made hair oil with Amla in it. Other added ingredients like bhringraj, shikakai, and rosemary can enhance the effects of alma by pairing beautifully with it. Our Rosemary and Amla Hair Oil is a very special blend of these herbal and essential oils and loved by thousands. It does not contain any harsh chemicals or synthetic preservatives.
5. Hibiscus: Both hibiscus flowers and leaves are very useful for healthy hair. While flowers control hair fall, the leaves provide strength to hair follicles. Rich in Vitamin C and calcium, hibiscus can be used in a variety of ways to improve the health of your hair and strengthen them.
Home Remedy:
Grind 20 hibiscus leaves and 5 flowers into a smooth paste. Then add 1/2 cup of almond oil and let this mixture soak overnight. Then strain out the hibiscus and use this oil to massage into your scalp and hair. Leave on for a few hours or overnight and then shampoo and condition as usual.
6. Safflower Oil: Cooking should not be your only reason to use oils. Most oils have various therapeutic properties. Apart from reducing cholesterol and strengthening our
immune system, safflower oil is also used for skin care and to improve hair growth. Rich in oleic acid, it improves circulation and strengthens follicles hence stimulating hair growth. Massaging your hair with this oil locks moisture in and protects the scalp and nourishes the follicles, which encourages hair growth and less hair fall.
Home Remedy:
Mix equal amounts of safflower and sweet almond oil and massage into your scalp gently but thoroughly. Leave in for a few hours or overnight. Then wash with a harsh chemical free shampoo followed by a natural conditioner.
7. Shikakai: One of the several herbs that can help you grow longer hair is shikakai. Popular since centuries, it is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A, D, K and E. Its multivitamin and nutritious nature means nourished hair and healthy hair follicles. When paired with other superstars like amla and bhringraj, this ingredient is quite simply magical. A high-quality Ayurvedic hair oil is the best form in which shikakai can be used. When used in a shampoo your scalp and hair don’t get exposed to it for long enough. A hair oil should be allowed to remain in for a few hours or overnight to allow it enough time to nourish and heal your scalp.
Watch this informative video on ways to successfully address hair fall, dandruff, early greying of hair etc.
8. Bhringraj: This daisy-like plant has been long known since ancient times in Ayurveda for it
superior effects against excess hair fall. It is best used as part of your hair oil. This pleasant smelling oil is known to prevent baldness, split ends, and premature greying as well. Regular massaging strengthens the scalp, keeps dandruff away and increases hair growth. Bhringraj (the king of herbs) is a must in your list when thinking about hair care.
9. Almond Oil: Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, Vitamin E, phospholipids, almond oil nourishes your scalp and helps your follicles grow longer and shinier hair. It conditions your hair and its aroma too has a very soothing effect. Massaging consistently improves circulation, reduces dandruff, and lessens the amount of hair fall. For best results, massage your scalp and let it sit for sometime before washing it off.
Home Remedy:
To 1 tsp. of almond oil, add 1 tsp. of castor oil. Mix well and massage into your scalp and comb through the length of your hair as well. After a few hours or overnight, use a natural and mild shampoo and conditioner.
10. Castor Oil: This thick oil is very well known in Ayurveda for its miraculous hair care properties. It is detoxifying in nature and very cleansing. This makes it very useful in skin care too. However, due to its thickness, it must be appropriately diluted for ease of application. Castor oil is very high in fats and this property makes it extremely nourishing to the follicles. This means reduced hair fall and better hair growth.
Home Remedy:
To 2 tsp. of sunflower oil, add 1 tsp. of castor oil. Mix well and apply on your scalp. Massage in gently and then wrap a warm towel around your head to help the oil penetrate better into your follicles. In a few hours or overnight, wash with a mild & natural shampoo and then condition your hair.
Want your hair and scalp to be healthy and vitalized? Well all of us do. The most important tip I can share with you is to go natural with your hair care and eliminate products with harsh chemicals in them. Detergents like SLSs are very common in shampoos and can challenge your scalp and follicles. This can be linked to issues like excess hair fall, early greying, dry and dehydrated scalp, etc. Always use a high-quality hair oil 1-2 times a week to keep your scalp and hair healthy and free from unpleasant issues.
Need help choosing the right skin and hair care products? Fill out this form with your questions and I will guide you towards going natural.
Go natural. It is good karma!